

Onboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth with a broadband ocean bottom seismometer for the Axial Seamount cruise (Oregon, USA, 2 September 2022).
Axial Seamount expedition team in the Science Main Lab of R/V Marcus G. Langseth (6 September 2022).
Mount Rainier National Park (Washington, USA, 26 August 2022).
Mount Rainier National Park (Washington, USA, 25 August 2022).
OASIS expedition team on board the R/V Atlantis. The expedition surveyed a 160 km-long chain of submarine volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean to investigate how they were formed. Click here to learn more about our expedition (8°N, 107°W, 2016).
Before we got onboard HOV Alvin to dive to ~2,700 meters below the ocean surface to collect samples of erupted lava. Click here to check out what we saw during our dive (8°24.69’N, 104°50.35’W, 26 Nov 2016).
Descending Trident Volcano in Katmai National Park (Alaska, USA, 2012).

Summit caldera of Katmai Volcano, formed in 1912 during the largest measured volcanic eruption in the 20th century (Alaska, USA, 2012).

Media coverage

SCMP: Hong Kong shaken but not stirred by recent earthquake tremors (2023-07-04)

RTHK AM567: Turkey-Syria Earthquake Backchat Part 1 (2023-02-10)

香港01: 中大教授研海底火山監測儀獲獎 (2022-12-09)


光明日報:研究海洋地震預測條件 大馬人獲中國研究基金 (2021-08-27)